The Women's Rights House regularly conducts labor rights awareness courses that cover labor rights, discrimination, employment contracts and defense mechanisms, as well as trainings are implementing on literate CV writing and developing skills in attending job interviews, creating and using an email addresses, and media literacy trainings.
What will your donation be for?
By donating, you give women and girls the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities, to become more competitive in the field, to be aware of their own labor rights, and their defense mechanisms.
The Women's Rights House provides free social, psychological and legal counseling to women/girls who have been subjected to domestic/sexual violence.
Social counseling includes an in-depth assessment of the beneficiary's needs, the development of a security plan in cases of violence, the provision of employment and CV counseling, referrals as needed, and the provision of other necessary information as needed.
Psychological counseling includes meetings with a psychologist about the problem presented by the beneficiary, organization of therapies for women, girls, children, referrals to a specialist who provides the appropriate services to the needs of the beneficiary.
Legal councelling includes submission of legal regulations about domestic violence, labor rights, discrimination, violations of women's rights and legal councelling available to the beneficiary, as in the case of violation of labor rights as well as in cases of domestic violence, divorce, alimony and other related issues, providing representation in court.
What will your donation be for?
By donating, you give an opportunity to more women and girls who have been subjected to domestic/sexual violence to benefit from free social, psychological and legal councellings and awareness-raising and empowerment trainings provided by the organization.
The Women's Rights House regularly conducts awareness-raising trainings on reproductive health and right, adolescent self-care, physiological changes in adolescents, menstrual cycle, duration, stages and hygiene, overcoming of interpersonal conflicts, building healthy relationships, valuation of own “SELF” and on other related topics.
What will your donation be for?
By donating you give an opportunity to a large number of teenage girls to receive accurate and competent information about their physiological changes and reproductive health, to become aware of reproductive hygiene and related topics.
The Women's Rights House implements projects aimed at empowering women and girls, the main goal of which is to promote the economic empowerment of women and girls by enabling them to acquire new professions, start their own business start-ups, as well as to promote women's involvement in the labor market and gaining financial independence.
What will your donation be for?
By donating, you enable more women and girls to acquire new professions, to start their own businesses, and increase their access to the labor market by becoming financially stable and independent in decision-making processes.
The Women’s Rights House always encourages women's political participation in decision-making processes, the organization regularly conducts meetings with women politicians, human rights defenders, activists and other governmental bodies.
The purpose of the meetings is to promote the political participation of women and girls and their involvement in decision-making processes.
What will your donation be for?
By donating, you give an opportunity to organise more awareness-raising and encouraging meetings for women and girls with women politicians, human rights defenders and activists, enhancing their role and participation in political decision-making processes.