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We have started three-day youth camp of Enhancing Women’s Participation in Political and Civil Life project․

Day 1️⃣

Governor of Shirak Province, Nazeli Baghdasaryan presented the topics of the rules and principles of media literacy, media hygiene, communication and we discussed with women and girls the possibilities of using the media effectively․

Governor Nazeli Baghdasaryan led a very active group discussion and evaluated the knowledge of women and girls regarding media literacy.

The founder and president of the “Aprelu Yerkir” party Mane Tandilyan spoke about the opportunities and challenges of women’s political participation, kindly shared his personal experience and presented the necessary steps to enter politics․

Lena Nazaryan, a member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, presented to the participants of the camp the features of leadership with Armenian examples, as well as the role of a leader to achieve changes.

* The project is supported by National Endowment for Democracy.

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